These are the Days of Elijah! These are the Days of the Harvest! The harvest is here and the harvest is now! Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn, everywhere I go, the fields are white and ready for harvest. This end-time army is going to have the anointing of Elijah to prepare ye the way, to make bold proclamations declaring the Kingdom of God, confronting sin and the enemy. It was the anointing that was on John the Baptist.
I believe that this end-time prophetic army will flow in many anointings. I believe there are many prophetic streams that are now beginning to flow together. In the summer of 2000 in Ashland Virginia at Calvary Pentecostal Camp during worship, I received a vision, the map of North America. I looked like a weather map. These streams and rivers seemed to all be flowing towards the center into a big river right down the middle of the map. Then the scene changed, I was looking at a cornfield and Jesus walked out of the cornfield. Water was up to his ankles. I looked at his hands and his feet, there were no scars. Then I saw young people. First 5 then 10 then 20 came out of the cornfield behind Him. And the Lord spoke to me He said “When the different streams of the anointing, when the different streams of the spirit and the hearts of my people begin to flow together, know that there will be a great move of the spirit through North America and right through the heartland. I said, “Why didn’t you have any scars on your hands and feet?” He said” When my body comes out for the harvest when my people come out for the harvest, they are going to come out healed and whole. He said there’s going to be a great harvest amounts the youth. I believe we are moving quickly into that season. When we begin to flow in unity, different streams flowing together it’s the prelude to the harvest.
Not just the prophetic anointing of Elijah, but also the anointing of Joshua to occupy the land; to cross over. The anointing of John the revelator, he was the one who had the greatest revelation of Jesus ever recorded. He was the friend who on the night Jesus was betrayed laid his head upon the bosom of the Lord. He wanted to hear the heartbeat of the Lord. There is a generation that is going to seek His heart. Not His hand. Whose heart cry is going to be worship and intimacy. Right now, I believe the prophetic anointing being released to the church is the anointing that was on the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, “And the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”
That is what we need, not just vision, but strategy to know that heart and the timing of God for our generation, the end time generation, end-time warriors, and end-time handmaidens properly positioned and prepared. Like the army of Joel climbing the walls as mighty men, understanding spiritual authority, and not breaking rank, conquering real-life issues, impacting their cities, men, and women living by faith, hearing His voice, led by His Spirit. Those are the sons of God.
Let us begin at once to seek Him for the higher, for the deeper, for the surer word. The word that will tell us not just what He wants, but what He wants us to do and how He wants us to do it, the vision, the strategy. Let’s seek Him for an action plan. You and I, we are the children of the harvest, and these are the days of the harvest. He is the Lord of the harvest. He has a covenant with our seed. It says in Genesis 9 a “perpetual covenant with our seed”. His heart is for the harvest; He’s all about the harvest. Let Him position us right now and give us the plan for the harvest.
May the Lord richly bless you with revelation, wisdom, and understanding. May the prophetic anointing on your life increase. May He grant you hunger in your heart to seek Him. May He give us a heart that longs for Him. May He give us a heart for souls, a heart for the harvest, a heart after His own heart. Like the heart of David, a heart quick to go to worship, a heart quick to go to war, because the Lord of Hosts is the Lord of the Harvest. The Bible says in Exodus 15:3 “The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is His name.”