I heard the Lord say, “Where are my Elijah’s?” I knew like never before, He is looking for us, me, and you – to stand up in the Spirit of Elijah for the greatest harvest ever known to man. The fields are white and ready? Are we? James 5:16,17 says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.” Did you hear that? Elijah was a man just like us! Just a man, but a man God used to confront what was happening in the land during his time.
Israel had turned away from the God of their Fathers and was serving Baal & Jezebel. Darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the land. The cry in His heart was for His People to Arise and serve the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. That same cry is issuing forth from the heart of God today!
God is seeking a man, a woman, a prophetic generation (Ezekiel 22:30) to stand in the gap and make a hedge. The God of Elijah is still on the throne, and He is looking for Elijah to demonstrate His power, stand for holiness, and call the people to stand up for God!
In Ezekiel 37, it says, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones. I will make breath enter you, and you will come to Life!” That’s His call for us to speak to this generation in North America. You don’t need to deliver a good sermon with homiletic perfection or exegetical excellence, if you have a heart and confidence in the Lord, you can always find a pulpit today. Today, we have too many dead men in the pulpits preaching dead messages to dead people. They are laying empty hands on empty heads and are surprised when nothing happens. We need to be a people who get our unction to function from the Holy Ghost, and then not be afraid to challenge those He gives us to speak to!
Seek the anointing! The anointing breaks the yoke! Seek it as you have never sought it before! This generation needs the anointing! A sermon born in the head reaches the head a sermon born of the Spirit will reach the heart! If we are the Elijahs that God has called us to be in this hour, then we will be preachers preaching an anointed message that will produce spiritual people.
A.W. Tozer describes a preacher like this as a man likely to be drastic, radical, possibly at times violent. The church will soon brand him as extreme, fanatical, negative, and fearless. Will we be afraid to speak the life that these dry bones need? God is looking for a Prophet for His Generation. I said a prophet, not a preacher, teacher, or a pastor. A prophet! A preacher or pastor will help everybody and hurt nobody, but a prophet will stir everybody and madden somebody. A prophet is not usually received in his hometown. He’ll preach against sin and confront the Church in their place of complacency!
Leonard Ravenhill said, “Too often we are men-pleasers instead of God-pleasers. Instead of fishers of men, we are fishing for the compliments of men.”
I’m so turned off church! I’m looking for the God of Elijah to show up in signs, wonders, and miracles. I’m looking for Him to bust me out of this self-imposed pursuit of man, and the Institution of Church! Give me Revival or take me home!!!
Elijah had spiritual children, the prophets that were assembled. He had his Elisha (Malachi 4-5). That’s what I’m living for! That’s what we need today – the fire of Revival! The hunger in our hearts! The fire that never goes out!
Where are the Duncan Campbells, William Seymore’s, Smith Wigglesworth’s, Charles Parham’s? Where are the Pauls who are willing and wanting to know Him in His suffering? Are we so hungry for the acceptance of man? No man is fully accepted until he has first been fully rejected. Paul’s confession before King Agrippa is the one I want, that I have not been unfaithful to the vision. He stood before the King with his head half in the mouth of the lion, then wicked King Agrippa said, “Thou almost persuades me to be a Christian.”
A lot of folks are almost persuaded. Festus said that day, “Paul, you’re beside yourself. Much learning has made you mad. Paul says, “I’m not mad!” Is anyone today preaching the everlasting gospel in a way where we look like we are raving mad? Where are the Elijahs?
Duncan Campbell declared that a baptism of holiness, a demonstration of godly living is the crying need of our day!
Finney said, “Revival is no more a miracle than a crop of wheat.” Are we producing that crop for this end-time harvest?
Revival comes when heroic saints cry out and enter conflict determined to win or die. Where are the Elijahs? We stand up and speak to the Dry Bones that is the Church today?
Will you be an Elijah in your generation?