“For even in this day a portal of My Glory has been opened over Canada and My presence says The Lord is being poured out over a dry and thirsty land.”
Released by Celine Carkner, ICPL ambassador.


Oh Canada I will not be mocked says The Lord!!!
Look among the nation and watch,
Be utterly astounded,
For I will work a work in your days,
Which you would not believe, though it were told you.

I heard The Lord say it is not as it seems in the natural Canada. For I have heard your cry and your prayers have come up to My throne room as a sweet smelling incense. Know that angels have been dispatched yes says The Lord even My warrior angel Michael is leading My charge to accomplish that which I determine to bring forth in this hour in Canada.

For Canada will produce and birth a harvest in this season that will be living fruit and a generation of generals that will rise up and take back the territory the enemy has stolen from her. For even in this day a portal of My Glory has been opened over Canada and My presence says The Lord is being poured out over a dry and thirsty land.

Decree, declare, war and contend over the prophetic words that have been spoken over My beloved Canada. For this is the time and this is the season that I will come to defend The True North Strong and Free says The Lord.

Stand strong, don’t back down and determine in your heart with Me says The Lord that all of Canada shall be saved.